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Who We Are


Mujeres de Negro contra la guerra

♀ Create spaces so that the voices of women against war are heard and in order to transform their indignation into active and nonviolent resistance to war.

♀ Reject all policy for war, starting with that of the government of the State or community in which they live.

♀ Maintain historical memory to preclude the imposition of manipulation and forgetfulness.

♀ Build networks of solidarity among women regardless of borders, ethnicity, religions…

♀ Denounce everyday militarization, local and global.

♀ Narrow the links between feminist and antimilitarist thought and practice.

♀ Promote women’s nonviolent resistance against all forms of patriarchal control through the imposition of ethnic uniformity.

♀ Support the participation of women in peace negotiations local, regional and global.

♀ Through education, work for peace, nonviolence, seeking the restoration of harmonious living, which is now broken.

Declare that in the face of conflicts there is one answer: non-cooperation, civil disobedience, as wars never have the good or defense of the people as their objective, rather they are undertaken for hidden economic or political interests.

As a woman, I have no country. My country is the whole world (V. Woolf)


Diseño 2002: Mujer Palabra. Remodelación 2011: Aurea y Scout divider Alojamiento/Administración 2002-2024: mujerpalabra.net