Foros de secundaria
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On the Foros de secundaria, there are:
1608 posts
841 topics
32 forums (32 active)
202 members

Top 5 most viewed topics:
Direcciones y teléfonos DATs julio 2003 (44305)
Trienios y sexenios (37791)
Niñas y niños árabes y judíos (34012)
Direcciones DATs, transporte y CdM (32336)
Foro de la DAT-Sur: usar con cautela (30943)

Top 5 most replied to topics:
En el servicio... profes fumandooo??? (15)
Oposiciones 2004: convocada!!! (14)
Temario EOI inglés (14)
Ayudas (transporte, estudios...) (13)

5 Latest Topics:
Objecion de conciencia en clase de biologia? (last post on 5-4-2011 at 02:34)
Empleo, contratos (last post on 13-1-2011 at 14:44)
Curso virtual gratuito: construyendo la igualdad! (last post on 2-9-2010 at 20:05)
En 2º bach con pendientes de 1º (last post on 11-4-2010 at 12:02)
Vídeo de 2min30segundos - muy chulo (last post on 25-11-2009 at 22:29)

The most popular forum is Calendario, info y reclamaciones with 255 posts and 94 topics

7.95 posts per member
50.13 posts per forum
0.91 replies per thread
0.20 posts per day
0.02 new members per day
38.12% of all members have posted.

Nobody has posted today, and as such there is no best member.

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