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Mujer Palabra es un espacio feminista independiente y autogestionado en Internet para la difusión de ideas, obras, materiales que habiten y exploren la construcción de un mundo menos violento e injusto, más libre, creativo y solidario

Pensamiento - Literatura

Volver a Literatura Violence & Gender. We See What We Believe In. Tracking Taboos.

Ir a webita de autora michelle renyé




Alberdi, Inés y Natalia Matas. La violencia doméstica. Informe sobre los malos tratos a mujeres en España . Fundación La Caixa, 2002. (Col. Estudios Sociales, nº 10)

Bradbury, Ray. "There Will Come Soft Rains." Oates 456-462.

Chesnutt, Charles. "The Sheriff's Children." Oates 137-152.

Chopin, Kate. "The Storm." Oates 130-135.

Ellison, Ralph. "Battle Royal." Oates 441-455.

Erdrich, Louise. "Fleur." Oates 728-740.

"If I Can't Have Her, Nobody Can." 2004. Basic Essay Writing. 8 Jan 2005 <>

Malamud, Bernard. "My Son the Murderer." Oates 504-510.

O'Brien, Tim. "The Things They Carried." Oates 637-654.

O'Connor, Flannery. "A Late Encounter with the Enemy." Oates 398-407.

Oates, Joyce Carol, ed. The Oxford Book of American Short Stories . New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Orne Jewett, Sarah. "A White Heron." Oates 118-128.

Perkins Gilman, Charlotte. "The Yellow Wallpaper." Oates 154-169.

Taylor, Peter. "Rain in the Heart." Oates 463-480.

Wilkins Freeman, Mary E. "Old Woman Magoun." Oates 207-224.

Wolff, Tobias. "Hunters in the Snow." Oates 621-635.

Wright, Richard. "The Man Who Was Almost a Man." Oates 372-383.



Anderson, B.S., & Zinsser, J. P. A History of Their Own. Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present . New York: Harper & Row, 1988.

" Global protests against war on Iraq ." 6 Jan 2005. Wikipedia. 9 Jan 2005 <>

Kowalewski, Michael. Deadly Musings. Violence and Verbal Form in American Fiction . New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1993.

Novotny, Adrian. "Women in Prehistory." Conference. Annual Meeting of the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges, Boston, the USA: 1999.

"The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court." 15 Jan 2005. ICC. 15 Jan 2005 <>


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Publicado en en 2005