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Dogs are wise and lovely
[Este texto es una versión de If a dog were your teacher, que nos deja usar una mujer australiana de GEEKGIRL, y que sirve para gente de nivel intermedio y alto de inglés.
Esta versión es MUY LIBRE, la ha hecho PROFA DE INGLÉS a petición de un estudiante de 1º de la ESO que ODIA el inglés. Si tenéis dudas y a nadie que os pueda echar un cable por allí, preguntad en el foro, que seguro que os contestan. Esperamos que os guste.]
VERSIÓN EN WORD del texto de aquí abajo.

Son los perros de la autora australiana.

If a dog were your teacher you would learn things like this:

To eat feeling happy about it and because you are hungry.
To stop eating when you've had enough.
To drink because you are thirsty.
To stop drinking when you've had enough.
To lie in the shade and drink a lot of water when it is hot.
To lie on the sofa or bed next to people when it is very cold!
To do exercise every day and enjoy it!
To enjoy walks in the park.
To enjoy excursions to the mountain, the beach and the forest.

To focus in essentials--eating, drinking, sleeping, playing and going for a wee and a poo.
To be obedient when there is a point!
To be disobedient when there is a point, too!
Not to do the things that people tell you if you think they are not right.
To say hello to your loved ones when they get home.
To say goodbye to your loved ones when they leave.
To deal with one idea at a time!
To express your feelings, especially when you're happy.
To sleep all day when you are sad, and if you can't sleep, to spend your day quietly somewhere cozy.
To know who is not friendly and be wise and not care.
To make friends easily.
To be loyal.
To be honest, not pretending to be what you are not.
To be afraid, when there is a reason to be afraid.
To be brave, when there is a reason to be brave.
To be sincere.

Have you got a dog or a bitch? What have you learnt from him or her? Send your comments to: secundaria@mujerpalabra.net
